Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gathering with friends

Last Saturday, we had a gathering at a friend’s house in Ara Damansara. That day was also our Agung’s official birthday and the Saturday before school reopens.

There were 8 couples, 7 children and 4 babies (1 couple last minute could not make it due to baby was crying the whole day and couldn’t sleep since midnight!). As Malaysian, when there is a social gathering, there must be food. We had pot bless dinner (or more commonly known as pot luck).

The menu was :

Fried Rice
Pasta with Bolognese sauce
BBQ Chicken wings
Mixed Vegetables
Chicken Pie

So we eat, eat and eat… chat, chat and chat… laugh, laugh and laugh… also auntie WY lecturing Arielle. The kids had their own table and TV too.

After eating, some mummies were having a good fellowship with one another in the kitchen while washing and cleaning. Sharing tips on ‘how to get rid of ants’.

In the dining hall, mummies and daddies were busy chasing after their children while trying to have some conversations.

In the living hall, others decided to watch Chronicles of Narnia showing on Disney Channel.

Generally, it was a good gathering for some young parents and not so young parents together with their children.

My hubby and I stayed back for another 2 hours, chit chatting with the host. Children were having a good time playing. They washed some cups, drink some more, wash cups again and wiped the kitchen floor. Then they eat and wash again. Kids….

(For friends who were invited to this gathering, you may view some photos taken during the gathering from facebook .)

1 comment:

Ann said...

Wanted to blog about this too. But no camera thus no photos doesn't make the entry all that interesting!

Considering all I did was take care of my sleeping son, crawling son and hungry son! ;)