It has been years since I left school, and lately memories of the great free years of student life came coming back to me. Thanks to facebook (has been part of my daily schedule lately), I have joined the groups of my previous schools in facebook.
Well since leaving school, my journey of life has brought me through the stages of further studies, work, got married and have kids. It is through facebook that I’ve got in touch with some long lost friends. Some are still in Malaysia and quite a number of them are actually residing in overseas either through marriage, work or migrated there.
Back to my today’s topic where I spent about two years of my life in ACS, Ipoh. I ended up in this school because of not knowing what to do after SPM. I opted for Accounts/Maths class due to couldn’t stand the thought of dissecting a frog or an insect. My STPM results were not good (but didn’t fail). So I used to think why God has put me in Form Six at the first place??? Was my time there all wasted?
During these two years I was active in both Computer Club and Christian Fellowship (CF). I was the secretary in these two ‘societies’. I remembered that during recess time I used to go to the church (Wesley Methodist – location is in the school itself) or stay in the computer room. More often I’ll be found in the church.
My Christian life was not so strong. In fact I was lost in direction in my spiritual life. It was at this time I’ve grown closer to God, stay firm in my belief and had great faith in God until today.
Through CF, I was also blessed with many good friendships and through Inter-School Christian Fellowship (ISCF) I made a lot of friends with Christians from other schools. Some are still in close contact.
I thank God for His plan for me in Form Six and in ACS, Ipoh. Wherever we are placed, I always believe that God has a purpose for us to be there. I am so thankful for my life today, all the journey I’ve been through and for all the ups and downs of my life. God has made me a better person, polished, refined, and hopefully a blessing to people around me.
May God bless you and your family.
Happy Birthday Ee Ping!
Ya, God always has a plan for us!
From the ACS girls' toilet, at a particular angle, if you look out the window, you can actually see Wesley Church Cross standing strong and steady surrounded by the clear blue sky.
It was here that God first touched my heart.
God really has a plan for us in ACS Ipoh!
Ann - where? the church or the toilet? ACS toilet was so clean (compare to MGS). There was one incident during my time when some naughty boys got so jealous of the girls toilet that they lighted up firecrackers at the waiting area. The whole place was filled with red 'confetti'.
The the angle where you can see the church!
God has no concept of time or place! :)
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