Saturday, March 28, 2009

A trip to Bandung, Indonesia - Budget

This is the continuation of a series of posts on my recent trip to Bandung, Indonesia and shall be the last post. The previous posts were :

A trip to Bandung, Indonesia - Itinenary
A trip to Bandung, Indonesia - Places visited and meals taken
A trip to Bandung, Indonesia - Factory outlets

How much cash should you bring when go to Bandung? We're talking millions here!!! Anyway, most of the restaurants and factory outlets accept credit cards.

Exchange rate :

RM1.00 = IDR3,200

USD1.00 = IDR11,500

In my budget, there are three major categories - Meals, Shopping and Transportation


Breakfast is normally part of the hotel room package.

Budget.....Lunch X pax X days .............. Dinner X pax X days

In fine dining, depending on the restaurant and protein, the price varies and very difficult to put a budget per person per meal. As a general guide for budgetting purposes, I shall put RM25 - RM40 per person per meal. Of course if we order specialities like Black Angus Steak, that alone comes up to RM80 per dish.

In Sundanese restaurant, a meal should be around RM10 per person (plus drinks).


Average price of a

T-shirt - RM20
Blouse - RM20
Jeans - RM50
Children set (shirt & pants) - RM20

You may also come across some t-shirts cost only RM12. Give a second thought why it's cheaper. After shopping for a while, you should be able to notice why some shirts are really cheap.


Taxi (using meter) around town ranges from RM3.50 - RM5.50 per trip. We took a taxi from Jl. Setiabudi to The View (very far) only cost us RM10.

Renting a car (usually Toyota Avanza for 6 seater), comes with driver and cover the petrol comsumption too is RM220 per day of 12 hours. However it does not cover parking (quite minimum) and entrance fee.

Reminder : Airport Tax per person is IDR75,000 (not so sure any tax imposed to children below 2 years old)

I had a great time in Bandung. This is a place suitable for families but on the downside there is no beach. You should find a hotel with nice pool and near factory outlets if your kids want to go for a swim.


Techcrazee said...

Oh yes! The "daddy's stare". Very scary. Sends shivers down my spine what more for your

Wai Yin said...

mummy also can stare but doesn't work all the time, so gotto add yelling and screaming...sigh.

daddy seldom gets angry, so 'the stare' works better when he does it.