Since I started going to gym, I have lost 7 kg in weight. That is 1 kg per month on average.
About 5 years ago, I was lighter than now. However, I feel that my size is actually smaller than I was 5 years ago. I suppose exercise works in reducing the total body fatness and especially mine - stubborn fat.
One lesson that I learned in effective reducing weight and maintain the loss is a change of lifestyle. Eat right and consistent doing exercise. There are many, many ways we can find out on how to eat right and how much our body needs. The problem is we are surrounded by good and yummy food all the time especially in Malaysia. Dare not even go into the topic of calories about all these food.
Another lesson is slow and steady wins the race. Set a reasonable goal and be consistent in exercising and diet. I believe not only we can reduce weight but also eat more healthier. Better for our health too. Slimming and going on diet only works for short term if our mind set and lifestyle don't change.
You know, it feels really good after a workout. Better than the magic of chocolate and ice cream. So, what are you waiting for. Pick up you sports shoes and start exercising now!
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I agree. Exercising can be very addictive! get hubby on the treadmill....
Have to use boyboy to coerce him to exericse
Can't say I've reached the stage of addictive yet. But have to exercise lor.
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