Just realised I've lost 3 kgs since the last post on 27/4/09. That makes a total of 10 kgs in 8 months and 16 days.
Another achievement (so call), I managed to run 5 km in 32 minutes. I was very motivated when hubby completed his 5 km. Last week I couldn't finish 4 km. So went to try out yesterday evening (weather was cooling after rain) at the park behind my house. At that time I could go on running but don't want to miss American Idol Finale. So ran home instead.
What made me started to run was an event going to be held in October 2009, 'Run For The Nation' organised by NECF. My gym buddy participated last year and was encouraging me to join this year. I thought it was quite impossible for me to run 5km then.
Now that the goal set when I first join gym is met. Next I'm going to work on reducing the BFA (Body Fat Analysis) percentage and lose more weight, through healthy eating and exercise of course.
It is very, very difficult to maintain a low calories diet. Currrently, on a daily basis, I take in about 1000 to 1200 calories and burn 300 - 600 calories exercising. Me no expert here. Just a rough calculation. Since I'm losing weight (slow and steady), so I guess the theory works. For me if I need to just maintain weight and still work out, I can take up to 1700 calories.
A lot of figures here! Anyway bottom line 'what goes in must go out'. In the long run, I hope to live a balance lifestyle, eat a balance diet and exercise at least 5 times a week. At the mean time, I'm going to work out more, trying different exercises and routine. Next goal should be met in 3 months time. Hopefully.
WAH WAH WAH....that is really really good!!!
And at the end of the day run for a good cause too!
I also don't know if I can do 5 km. Take care of those knees though!
my right knee slight pain when start running but goes away after few hundred metres run...body too heavy!
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