Alyssa is getting more and more independent and responsible. She helps out in taking care of the toddlers during cell group. Her relationship with her sister has became so close that they had to chat chat first before sleep during most nights. In school, she is more outspoken now and her studies has improved a lot. Go girl! Mummy is so proud of you.
Yesterday, mummy made layered jelly, rich chocolate fudge cake and cook her favourite rosti and cheese sausage.
Ann, this is what daddy and mummy had. Bake salmon with herbs and mixed salad. :)
BUT I AM SURE YOU HAD SOME CAKE !!!!????? leftover jelly ah?
Happy Birthday Alyssa! are getting really tall too!
When I look at those photos of my wedding and u were still a toddler and my flower't help having this fuzzy feelings and know that you have grown so much!
Ann - birthday cake must eat of course...jelly looks impressive, right? taste good too....all gone.
Ponytail - her looks mature quickly big girl liow.
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